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当前位置:首页 > 中国信用卡 > 2017年3月



  9 我国银行卡芯片化战略与实施/ 李 伟

  14 金融IC 卡及移动支付在公共服务领域应用的探索与实践/ 曲延玲

  19 从安全支付、一卡通用到数字普惠

     ——宁波金融IC 卡应用实践探索/ 胡春霖

  25 江苏农行金融IC 卡多功能应用的实践与思考/ 李 平

  28 发挥金融IC 卡优势 服务京津冀协同发展/ 王耀增

  31 金融IC 卡行业多应用成果回顾与趋势展望/ 胡 莹


  37 刷卡手续费新政实施效果分析及建议/ 袁钢

  41 关于提高信用卡客户稳定性的研究分析

     ——基于工商银行广东省分行信用卡客户分析/ 吴 捷 马 卓

  45 外资信用卡“绽放”中国带来的启示/ 葛雅华

金融IC 卡

  47 便捷全覆盖 实现“一卡多用”

  ——访中国建设银行信用卡中心产品创新与管理处处长赵逸锋/ 赵 申

  49 拓展金融IC 卡多应用 助力普惠金融发展

  ——宁夏推动金融IC 卡多应用发展纪实/ 欧小山

  52 对小额通卡公司发展趋势的思考/ 李 兵


  56 私人银行卡业务发展面临的挑战及其对策/ 袁 理

  58 商业银行场景化金融服务对邮储银行的启示/ 俞富强


  61 互联网安全应急中心运行模式对加强银行业网络安全管理的启示/ 吴 昊


  68 银行卡盗刷案件中特约商户违约责任的法律关系辨析/ 李世寅 等

  72 信用卡催收外包业务的法律风险及监管建议/ 黎江毅


  74 银行理财产品节假日效应分析/ 陈新春



  82 罗德岛:爱琴海上的活力古城与骑士传说/  Coco


  88 社会融资规模增量再创新高 等


  90 工商银行成功堵截16 亿元电信诈骗 等



Special Report


  9 The strategy and implementation of bank chip card development

  14 The exploration and practice of financial IC card and mobile payment in the field of public services

  19 The exploration and practice of financial IC card in Ningbo

  25 The practice and reflections on the financial IC card multifunctional application of ABC Jiangsu branch

  28 Bring into full play the advantages of financial IC card to service Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative development

  31 Review and prospect of multifunction application of financial IC card

Business Management

  37 Analysis and suggestions on the implementation effect of the new swipe fee policy

  41 Research on improving the stability of credit card customers

  45 Revelation of foreign bank credit card booming in China

Financial IC Card

  47 Convenient and full coverage to achieve a multi-application card function

  49 Record of the development of financial IC card application in Ningxia

  52 Thinking about the development trend of small amount One-Card-Through company

Personal Financial

  56 Challenges and countermeasures of private bank card business development

  58 The enlightenment of the scenic financial services in commercial banks to Postal Savings Bank of China

Finance Forum

  61 The enlightenment of internet security emergency center operation mode to strengthen the network security management of

  banking industry

Legal Affairs

  68 An analysis of the Legal Relationship of Special Merchant’s Liability for Breach of Contract in the Cases of Pirating Bank Cards

  72 Legal risks and regulatory advice on credit card collection outsourcing business

Fortune Plaza

  74 Analysis of the holiday effects on financial products

Leisure Time


  82 The Rhodes, an ancient city in Aegean and the legend of knights

Economic News

  88 Social financing scale increment set a new record, etc.

Industry News

  90 ICBC successfully intercepted the 1.6 billion yuan of telecom frauds, etc.

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