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当前位置:首页 > 中国信用卡 > 2019年10月


  9 深入践行支付为民理念,促进农村支付服务提档升级 /时文朝

  14 农村支付服务普惠发展的基本经验 /陈 波

  18 深化农村支付普惠,科技引领服务创新

     ——农信银资金清算中心改善农村地区支付环境成效显著 /齐亚斌

  22 依托农村金融服务站,持续优化农村支付环境 /陶 蕙

  25 秉持服务三农初心,大力推进农村金融服务环境建设 /冯 智

  28 金融科技助推农村支付环境建设

     ——上海农村商业银行农村支付环境建设实践与创新 /王海涛

  33 农村支付体系建设需抓住重点 /杨 涛

  38 多方合力改善农村支付服务环境 /彭惠新


  43 方寸之间镌刻时代印记 /谢香玲


  50 2019 年上市银行半年报之信用卡业务发展情况汇总 /彭惠新

  57 制定商户MIS 对接标准 持续提升金融服务质量 /林立志 郭永乐


  60 探索银医服务标准建设,提升民生领域金融服务水平 /姜 恺 曾海彬


  63 内蒙古自治区推进农村牧区支付服务环境建设成效及未来展望 /邹 洋

  68 对县域金融支持乡村振兴的调查研究 /樊丽芳 宰红玲


  72 北京大兴国际机场凤凰展翅,向新中国70 华诞献礼 /郑国华


  76“95588”背后的故事——我与信用卡的不解之缘 /陈玉明

  82 亦真亦幻总关情 /孙祺然

  86 现金大国到支付强国——中国支付产业发展之见证 /程 蕾


  90 金融业取得五大历史性成就 等


  92 工商银行发布无感支付产品 等


Special Report

  9 Deeply implement the concept of “Payment for People” and promote the upgrading of rural payment services

  14 Basic experience of inclusive development of rural payment services

  18 RURAL CREDIT BANK FUNDS CLEARING CENTER has achieved remarkable results in improving the payment environment in rural areas

  22 Continuing optimization of rural payment environment to rely on rural financial service station

  25 Adhering to the original intention of serving “Three rural issues ”and promoting the construction of rural financial service environment

  28 Practice and innovation of rural payment environment construction of SRCB

  33 The construction of rural payment system needs to focus on key points

  38 Making joint efforts to improve rural payment service environment

Hot Point

  43 Engrave the imprint of the times in the little space

Credit Card Operation

  50 Summary of the development of the credit card business of the half-annual report of the listed bank in 2019

  57 Establishing MIS docking standard for merchants and continuously improving the quality of financial Services

Personal Finance

  60 Exploring the standard construction of banking-medical services,promoting the level of financial services in the field of people’s livelihood

Finance Forum

  63 The effectiveness and future prospect of promoting the construction of payment service environment in rural and pastoral areas in Nei Monggol Autonomous Region

  68 Investigation and research on county finance supporting rural revitalization

Leisure Time

  72 Beijing Daxing International Airport, the present for the 70th anniversary of founding of PRC

Culture Essay

  76 I have the indissoluble bound with the credit card

  82 From Dreams to Reality: the Story about My Love of China

  86 Witness the development of payment industry in China

Economic News

  90 Financial industry has made five historical achievements,etc.

Industry News

  92 ICBC launched senseless payment products,etc.

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