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  11 商业银行云计算数据中心实施路径及策略/毛宇星

  15 大型数据中心云计算应用实践与探索/张春 徐丽俊

  18 建设银行云计算数据中心及运维体系建设实践探讨/金磐石

  23 云时代下的灾备技术和金融信息安全/王燕 等

  26 关于商业银行云计算数据中心的探讨/奚力铭 彭克坚


  31 积极应对代理信用风险挑战 大力提升银行金融资产服务能力/杨龙如 等

  36 光大银行打造“双活”体系 保障信用卡业务永不间断/李庆莉


  39 云时代之数据库虚拟化/王荣鑫

  43 数据中心系统运维云的设计思路/桂林

  46 浅议商业银行非核心业务系统灾备建设 /段剑星


  50 个人贷款产品创新之路/杜佳楠 等


  55 测试数据脱敏综合评价体系的研究与探讨/周期律 郭丽雯

  59 基于Web企业信息综合查询分析系统的设计与实现/尚庆军


  62 浅谈RSA公司“后门”事件/黄声国 吴蕃

  65 商业银行电子客户信息风险评估策略研究/李璐 等


  68 我国互联网金融发展存在的问题及建议/陈素

  71 浅谈P2P网络借贷平台的资金监管/郑学法 江元


  79 “虚拟货币”的风险剖析/江海涛 卜国祥

  82 基于反洗钱视角的比特币风险控制研究/许井荣


  86 立足业务定义IT HDS引领金融行业新一代技术变革/李庆莉

  89 EMC ViPR软件定义的存储助力云计算

  90 金融从3G到4G的移动通信应用/金文广 贾文宇

  91 智客服 微凭条/洪玮

  92 2014中国国际物联网博览会在北京召开 等


  93 金融IC卡和支付创新:技术引领业务的典范


  95 工商银行建立两地三中心双活数据中心 等

Special Topic

  11 The path and strategy of commercial bank cloud computing data center

  15 Exploration and practice of big data center cloud computing application

  18 Discussion on the practice of cloud computing data center operation and maintenance system construction in CCB

  23 Disaster recovery technology and financial information security in era of cloud computing

  26 Discussion on commercial banks cloud computing data center


  31 Actively responding to the challenges of agent credit risks and enhancing the capacity of financial asset services in banks

  36 CEB creat a “double life” system to ensure the credit card business uninterrupting

IT Running and Maintenance

  39 The innovation of database virtualization in cloud era

  43 Analysis of data center system operation and maintenance cloud design

  46 Discussion on the construction of commercial bank non-core business system disaster recovery

Business Innovation

  50 Personal loan product innovation way

Development and Testing

  55 Research and discussion of test data desensitization comprehensive evaluation system

  59 Design and implementation of enterprise information integrated query and analysis system based on web

Information Security

  62 Discussion on RSA company "back door" event

  65 Research on the electronic customer information risk strategy of commercial banks

Technology Management

  68 Problems and suggestions of the internet financial development in China

  71 Discussion on funds supervision and control of P2P network lending platform

Development Forum

  79 Analysis of the risk of virtual currency

  82 Research on the Bitcoin’s risk controlling from Anti Money Laundering perspective

IT Observation

  86 Defining IT based on business and HDS lead the new generation of technology change

  89 EMC ViPR software defined storage helps cloud computing

  90 Finance mobile communications applications from 3G to 4G

  91 Intelligent customer service and WeChat electrotic receipt

  92 2014 China international Internet of Things exposition was held in Beijing

Industry Information

  93 2014 bank card payment innovation training seminar be held

  95 ICBC established the double-live two sites and three data-centers,etc.

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