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  10 推动信息科技转型升级,支撑开发性金融发展创新 /谭波

  15 稳中求进,为进出口行改革和发展提供有力的科技支撑 /沈军

  20 创新发展理念 厚植发展优势 推进信息化银行建设向纵深迈进 /吕仲涛

  24 践行“最佳综合融资服务银行”的战略愿景 全面提升信息科技的核心竞争力 /王燕

  28 民营银行信息科技“十三五”展望 /孙中东


  32 兴智慧,兴未来

     ——记兴业银行大数据平台建设 /张建等


  35 流计算引擎在传统金融企业的实践 /张新宇 许占功

  39 商业银行金融市场信息系统建设与展望 /杜一平


  43 商业银行权限管理软件全流程测试研究 /邹达


  47 对商业银行产品创新管理的探究与思考 /张保军 等

  52 红包大战对互联网社会化营销的启示 /张炳军


  59 主机批量作业监控模型及实现 /何宏烨

  69 “移动互联网+视频”技术在一体化运维中的应用与实践 /詹志辉等


  72 浅谈信息安全基线在等级保护管理中的应用 /唐先勇

  75 基层人民银行信息安全情况调研 /申文杰


  78 Apple Pay逐鹿移动云闪付市场 /潘镭

  82 我国金融业混业经营发展的现状及对策探讨 /张大龙


  86 山石网科:打造国际一流水准的安全防护产品 /李庆莉

  87 启新梦想 铸新辉煌


  88 Teradata面向大中华区推出Think Big业务

  89 中外ATM企业“联姻”的背后 /亦云

  91 紫金桌面云系统在商业银行的应用和前景 /柏兆朋

  92 企业信贷大数据云服务平台助力风险控制 /杨凯程

  93 DaoCloud:以数据驱动创新,打造下一代互联网应用的交付和运维平台


  94 中国互联网金融协会成立 等



Special Topic

  10 Promoting the transformation and upgrading of information technology, supporting the development and innovation of development finance

  15 Advance steadily, providing strong scientific support for the reform and development of The Export-Import Bank of China

  20 Innovating development concept, enhancing and improving advantage, promoting the further development of information bank construction

  24 Practicing the strategic vision of “ the best comprehensive financing service bank”,enhancing the core competitiveness of the information technology

  28 Outlook on the technology work of private bank during the thirteenth five-year development planning

Inquiry on Hot Point

  32 Review of the big data platform construction of CIB


  35 The practice of stream computing engine in the traditional financial enterprises

  39 Construction and prospect of commercial bank financial market information system

Development and Testing

  43 Research on the whole process testing of commercial bank authority management software

Business Innovation

  47 Exploration and Thinking on the product innovation management of commercial bank

  52 Enlightenment of the “red packet war” to the Internet social marketing

IT Running and Maintenance

  59 Host batch operation monitoring model and its implementation

  69 Application and practice of “mobile Internet+ video” technology in the integrated operation and maintenance

Information Security

  72 Discussion on the application of information security base line in the management of grade protection

  75 Research on the information security situation of the branches of PBOC

Development Forum

  78 Apple Pay contends for control for mobile cloud Quick Pass pay

  82 Current situation and development countermeasures of financial mixed operation

IT Observation

  86 Hillstone: Creating the world-class safety protection products

  87 2016 HUAWEI China partner conference successfully held

  88 Teradata launched the Think Big business for Greater China

  89 Behind the ATM and foreign enterprises “marriage”

  91 Application and prospects of Zijin desktop cloud system in commercial banks

  92 Business credit data cloud service platform helps banks to control risk

  93 DaoCloud: promoting innovation by data, making the delivery and O&P platform facing the next generation Internet application

Industry Information

  94 China Internet Banking Association was founded, etc.

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