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当前位置:首页 > 中国金融电脑 > 2016年7月



  10 积极探索 大胆尝试,邮储银行快速提升大数据应用能力 /曲家文

  14 面向数据字段的血缘关系分析 /李旭风 罗强

  22 创新是破解大数据“黑盒子”的“密钥”

     ——农业银行在数据价值挖掘应用领域的思考与实践 /蔡钊

  26 立足业务场景构建更快更智能的大数据平台 /牛新庄

  30 新一代客户关系管理系统推动浦发银行数字化转型

     ——访上海浦东发展银行财富管理部副总经理崔永平 /李克


  34 聚焦普惠金融实践 探路普惠金融发展 /李庆莉


  37 基于Spark大数据平台的担保圈识别 /曾维彪

  40 测试数据脱敏技术框架的研究与探讨 /焦伟 等


  48 互联网环境的网络质量监测体系研究与实践 /夏刚

  52 系统批量运行时间同交易量关联性分析 /周磊 等


  62 金融业务网即时通信工具应用分析及其风险防范建议 /宋立志 许安

  66 基层央行桌面客户端安全管理的难点及对策 /唐诠杰


  69 对银行业务客户体验的探究与思考 /张保军 等

  73 经济新常态下农村金融服务与产权结构创新 /张华


  76 商业保险机构大病保险的内控风险及解决思路探析 /张悦 等


  80 金融木马的持续威胁与对策

     ——访赛门铁克公司大中华区安全解决方案技术部安全产品及云安全服务高级技术总监罗少辉 /郝京

  82 新华三对话招商银行:金融云战略转型

  83 新华三与天风证券建立全面IT战略伙伴关系

  84 “三大价值”助力金融行业数字化转型


  85 招商银行与日立合作在国内率先实现自助设备现金自动清点对账 /日立(中国)有限公司

  87 紫金统一接入前置平台助力银行“O2O”布局 /尉彬

  89 金融行业双活七讲 /赵国刚

  91 SAS中国用户大会暨商业分析领袖峰会成功举办等

  92 让数据具有想象力,百分点打造新一代智能引擎等

  93 神州信息“新一代分布式银行核心系统”上市 等


  94 中国银监会发布2015年报等



Special Topic

  10 PSBC enhances big data application ability rapidly by active exploration and bold attempt

  14 Blood Relationship Analysis on Datafield

  22 Thinking and practice of the data mining application in ABC

  26 Building a faster and more intelligent big data platform that based on business scene

  30 Interview with Cui Yongping, deputy general manager of Wealth Management Department of SPD Bank

Inquiry on Hot Point

  34 Focus on the practice of Inclusive Finance, Exploring the development of Inclusive Finance

Development and Testing

  37 Guarantee Circle Recognition based on Spark big data platform

  40 Research and discussion on the test data desensitization technology framework

IT Running and Maintenance

  48 Research and practice of network quality monitoring system in Internet environment

  52 Correlation analysis of system batch running time and transaction volume

Information Security

  62 Analysis of the application of Instant Message tool in the financial business network and suggestion on risk prevention

  66 The difficulties and Countermeasures of the security management of the basic central banks’ desktop client

Business Innovation

  69 Exploration and thinking on the customer experience of banking business

  73 Rural financial services and property rights innovation under the economic new normal

Development Forum

  76 Internal control risk of serious illness insurance of commercial insurance institutions and its solution

IT Observation

  80 Continued threats and countermeasures of financial Trojan

  82 The dialogue between H3C and China Merchants Bank: financial cloud strategic transformation

  83 H3C and TF Securities established a comprehensive IT strategic partnership

  84 China Financial Summit of HUAWEI in 2016 was held successfully

  85 China Merchants Bank cooperated with Hitachi to launch self-service equipment cash automatic inventory reconciliation in China

  87 Zijin Technology unified access front platform booster bank O2O layout

  89 Seven lectures of double activity in the financial industry

  91 SAS Forum 2016 was held successfully

  92 Let the data with imagination, Bai Fen Dian creating a new generation of intelligent engine

  93 “Sm@rtEnsemble 15”of DCITS come into the market

Industry Information

  94 The CBRC issued the 2015 Annual Report, etc.

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