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  11 加强人工智能技术研究应用,助力工商银行智能化建设/杨雷

  15 人工智能,金融数字化新方向/邢桂伟

  19 “大数据”推动中国建设银行业务蓬勃发展/金磐石

  23 交通银行“大数据+人工智能”应用研究/张漫丽

  27 构建大数据能力核心引擎,主动拥抱金融科技创新

     ——中国光大银行大数据治理体系规划与实施/李璠 柯丹

  31 “大数据+人工智能”打开中小银行转型发展新局面/胡浩青

  37 基于大数据平台构建数据仓库的研究与实践/赵毅


  43 积极拥抱,理性应对


  47 双活云数据中心设计与建设实践/杨茁

  50 农商银行信息安全智能管控平台研究与实践/吴军华


  53 基于模糊聚类的商业银行移动互联网公众平台推广策略研究 /孙尤嘉


  59 面向信息化银行的科技创新路径/李小庆 魏永利


  64 论软件产品的用户体验性测试/黄杰 马琳


  67 视频监控智能分析技术在银行数据中心生产运维中的应用/秦海瑞

  73 浅论模块化技术在银行机房建设中的应用/杨胜


  77 基于SDN理念实践骨干网应用级流量控制/张浩

  81 ADG读写分离技术在银行的推广应用/崔涛


  83 互联网金融冲击下商业银行的应对措施/姚坚


  86 瑞数信息:动态安全防护提升支付公司营销价值

  88 浅谈生物识别认证技术 /王晓东

  89 大数据金融引领智慧银行发展/张永

  90 构建创新服务平台 中兴通讯探索人工智能应用/张校逸 等


  92 上海华瑞银行推出“极限SDK” 等



Special Topic

  11 Strengthen the research and application of Artificial Intelligence technology and assist ICBC in the intelligent construction

  15 Artificial intelligence which is a new direction of financial digitization

  19 “Big data”which promote the rapid development of CCB’business

  23 Research on the application of “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” of BOCOM

  27 Big data management system’s planning and Implementation of CEB

  31 “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” open up a new prospect for the development of small and medium banks

  37 Research and practice on constructing data warehouse based on big data platform


  43 The sober thoughts on the application of block chain technology in banking industry

  47 Practice on the design and construction of double live cloud data center

  50 Research and practice on intelligent control platform of information security of rural commercial banks

Smart Banking Outlet

  53 Research on the promotion strategy of mobile Internet public platform based on Fuzzy Clustering

Business Innovation

  59 The path of technology innovation towards information bank

Development and Testing

  64 Introduction of User Interface & Experience Testing for Software Product

IT Running and Maintenance

  67 Application of Video Content Analysis Technology in the Operation and Maintenance of Banking Data Center

  73 An Introduction to the Application of Modular Technology in the Construction of Banking Data Center

Development Forum

  77 Practice of application backbone network traffic control based on SDN

  81 The application of ADG Read/Write Splitting technology in banks

Technology Management

  83 Countermeasures of commercial banks under the impact of Internet finance

IT Observation

  86 River Security: dynamic security protection enhance the value of the payment company marketing

  88 A brief talk on the technology of biometric authentication

  89 Big data finance guiding the development of wisdom banks

  90 ZTE constructs the innovative service platform to explore the application of artificial intelligence

Industry Information

  92 Shanghai Huarui Bank released "limited SDK",etc.

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