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  13 FinTech时代信息安全的挑战及应对 /张艳

  17 浅谈金融科技时代商业银行信息安全风险管理 /霍宝东

  20 FinTech时代中国银行一体化网络安全保障体系建设 /冯恺

  23 构建智慧安全体系 助力金融科技创新 /金磐石

  27 金融科技背景下的银行信息安全建设思考与实践 /张庆华 王海滨

  30 迎接FinTech时代安全挑战,创新信息系统风险管理思路 /北京银行软件开发部


  34 深耕科技创新,打造FinTech时代的新型村镇银行

     ——长葛轩辕村镇银行行长陆晓访谈 /焦卢玲


  38 基于SDN和NFV的商业银行新一代网络架构研究与实现 /张新晖 马国祥


  43 “十三五”时期银行数据中心规划和建设思路 /康贤军


  48 复杂资金网络关系发现算法及其在银行业中的应用 /马佳


  55 智能合约如何可信地与外部世界交互 /李赫 等


  60 浅谈WAF技术在商业银行安全领域的应用及前景 /马一腾 等


  66 大二层网络结构的实践与思考 /陶凯

  69 商业银行影像平台及非结构化数据存储研究与实践 /胡捷 陈大伟


  74 基于ARFM模型和K均值算法的理财客户价值分析 /徐福昌 等


  80 全数字化时代的重定位

     ——思科重磅发布“网络·全智慧”解决方案 /郝京

  83 紫金嗅探犬:为银行ATM自助设备安全运行保驾护航

     ——访深圳市紫金支点技术股份有限公司研发中心总经理葛志标 /郝京

  87 宇信金服平台助力金融机构快速拓展普惠金融业务 /北京宇信科技集团股份有限公司

  89 人脸认证应用中活体检测技术探讨 /陆成学


  91 推进自助终端架构提升 助力智能网点业务发展

     ——2017年银行自助服务设备技术交流会在青岛召开 /康超

  94 人民银行学习贯彻全国金融工作会议精神等


Special Topic

  13 Challenges and countermeasures of information security in FinTech era

  17 Discussion on the risk management of commercial banks’ information security in FinTech era

  20 The construction of integrated network security system of BOC in FinTech era

  23 Constructing intelligent security system and boosting the innovation of science and technology

  27 Thinking and practice on the construction of banking information security under the background of FinTech

  30 Meeting the security challenges of FinTech era and innovating the risk management thoughts of information system

Inquiry on Hot Point

  34 Deep plowing scientific and technological innovation and creating a new type of village bank in FinTech era

Smart Banking Outlet

  38 Research and implementation of new generation network framework of commercial banks based on SDN and NFV

Regional Finance

  43 The planning and construction ideas of the bank data center during the "13th Five-Year" period

Development Forum

  48 Complex capital network relationship discovery algorithm and its application in banking industry

Business Innovation

  55 How do the intelligent contracts interact credibly with the external world

Information Security

  60 Discussion on the application and prospect of WAF technology in the security field of commercial banks

IT Running and Maintenance

  66 Practice and Analysis of Big Layer 2 Network Architecture

  69 Research and Practice on Commercial Bank’s Video Platform and Non-structural Data Storage Techniques

Development and Testing

  74 Financial Clientele Value Analysis based on ARFM Model and K-means Algorithm

IT Observation

  80 CISCO released "The Network.Intuitive" solution

  83 Zijin Sniffer Dog escorts the safe operation of bank ATM self-service equipment

  87 Yusys Technologies Financial Services Platform helps the financial institutions to expand inclusive finance rapidly

  89 Research on the living detection technology in face authentication applications

Industry Information

  91 Seminar about Bank Self-service Equipment (2017) has been held in Qingdao

  94 PBC has studied and implemented the spirit of the National Financial Work Conference, etc.

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