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《中国金融电脑》2018年第 1 期目录


  11 预见:金融科技在银行业的创新应用趋势 /吕仲涛

  14 深化金融科技创新推进银行转型发展 /张华宇

  18 金融科技助力邮储银行开创数字化转型新局面 /曲家文

  21 科技金融,普惠民生

     ——民生银行科技金融创新思考和实践 /牛新庄

  25 科技创新构筑智慧京行 /王健

  28 2018年银行业金融科技应用展望 /孙中东

  32 深挖DT时代数据价值 助力保险服务创新升级

     ——阳光保险集团助理总裁苏文力访谈 /焦卢玲


  36 区块链——引领我们进入协同社会的下一代互联技术 /王铿


  40 基于复杂性科学的金融数据中心运营过程模型的研究 /郝建明

  43 筑反欺诈防线,助诚信社会建设

     ——中国工商银行金融交易实时反欺诈系统项目成果展示 /苏彦 张增林


  47 分布式事务数据库评测体系研究与实践 /于振华 怀文佳

  51 无人机技术在银行业的应用 /高伟 吴蕃


  54 FinTech时代数据中心生产运行值班体系探索与实践 /张家文 等

  59 基于Apache Tomcat的一站式Java应用服务器解决方案 /余炀 等


  64 金融软件的自动化测试探索与创新之路 /周永红 张彦祥

  69 自动化测试在流程类系统中的应用研究与实践 /赵焕芳 等


  75 论海外ATM设备风险控制 /苏政 等

  79 基层央行征信信息系统安全管理审计实践 /高博


  82 数据中心3D可视化机房管理 /陈永青 史晨超

  86 银行智慧客户关系管理的探索 /李小庆


  89 第四范式先知”3.0助力银行打造AI核心

  91 紫金智慧金库管理系统在商业银行的应用 /姜卫岗


  92 人民银行传达贯彻中央经济工作会议精神 等


Special Topic

  11 Foreseeing the innovative application trend of FinTech in banking industry

  14 Deepening the innovation of FinTech and promoting the transformation and development of the bank

  18 FinTech which boost PSBC to create a new situation of digital transformation

  21 Thinking and practice on the technology finance innovation of CMBC

  25 Making use of technological innovation to build wisdom bank of Beijing

  28 Prospect towards the the application of banking financial technology in 2018

  32 Digging the data value of DT era deeply and assisting the innovation and promotion of insurance service


  36 Block chain which is one brandnew interconnected technology that lead us into cooperative society


  40 Research on operation process model of financial data center based on Complexity Science

  43 Results show of the ICBC financial transactions real-time anti-fraud system project

FinTech Innovation

  47 Research and practice of distributed transaction database evaluation system

  51 Application of UAV technology in banking industry

IT Operation and Maintenance

  54 Exploration and practice of data center production and operation shift system in the era of FinTech

  59 Java application server solution based on Apache Tomcat

Development and Testing

  64 Innovation of test automation for financial software

  69 Practice and analysis of test automation in workflow system

Information Security

  75 Discussion on risk control of overseas ATM equipment

  79 The practice of the security management and audit of the credit information system of the basic level central bank

Technology Management

  82 The management of 3D visualized computer rooms of data centers

  86 Exploration of intelligent customer relationship management in banks

Industry Observation

  89 The 4Paradigm of the "AI prophet" 3.0 assisting banks to build the AI core

  91 The application of Zijin intelligent vault management system in commercial banks


  92 The PBC conveyed and implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, etc.
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《中国金融电脑》2018年第 1 期目录
深化金融科技创新 推进银行转型发展
2018 年银行业金融科技应用展望
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