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  11 科技赋能金融创新 普惠金融智慧转型 /王雍

  15 IT云化和服务融合为手段 全面提升普惠金融服务能力 /廖文旭

  19 银行业科技赋能展望 /孙中东

  22 网点智能化助力普惠金融新发展 /北京银行软件开发部

  25 新一代互联网银行数字普惠金融实践 /李秀生


  28 区块链技术在信贷资金监控领域的方案研究 /艾有为 石文娟

  32 制定规划 确定目标 实现传统数据中心向智能数据中心战略转型 /赵连强

  37 FinTech 时代商业银行智能语音识别技术应用与发展 /王彦博 等


  41 阿里云看云生态对银行业金融服务创新的启发 /吴蕃 等

  44 拥抱物联网技术,科技引领金融监管模式创新 /谷文哲 李邦辉


  48 虚拟机备份系统建设方案 /尤克勤 等

  53 大规模数据分析预测在数据中心的探索与实践 /洪立俊


  57 测试版本管理平台设计与应用 /冯文亮 等

  63 金融系统生产模拟比对自动化测试研究与应用 /阳骁尧 等


  70 商业银行大型主机程序变更风险管控的探索与实践 /张相广


  75 金融科技监管的路径探究 /方雨嘉 张松

  78 工行内蒙古分行纸币清分流水线采购项目评估报告 /郭天明 孙媛

  82 关于现金贷监管政策研究的思考 /邱蓉蓉


  87 FinTech创新,业务安全先行

  90 紫金智慧网点解决方案助力无人银行建设 /刘智

  92 如何构建金融安全可信网络 /荀鹏俊


  93 “工银小白数字银行荣获最佳数字品牌创新大奖


Special Topic

  11 Science and technology empower the financial innovation to promote inclusive finance intelligent transformation

  15 Making IT clouding and service integration as means to enhance the capacity of inclusive financial service

  19 Prospect towards the science and technology empowering banking industry

  22 Network intelligence support the new development of inclusive finance

  25 Practice on digital inclusive finance of the new generation Internet banking


  28 The scheme research of block chain technology in the field of credit fund monitoring

  32 Making plans and setting goals to realize the strategic transformation from traditional data centers to intelligent data center

  37 Application and development of commercial bank intelligent speech recognition technology in FinTech era

FinTech Innovation

  41 From "Alibaba cloud" to see the inspiration of cloud ecology to banking financial services innovation

  44 Embracing Internet of things technology, science and technology is leading innovation in financial regulation

IT Operation and Maintenance

  48 Construction scheme of virtual machine backup system

  53 Research and practice on large scale data analysis and forecast in data center

Development and Testing

  57 Version management platform design and application in testing

  63 Automation test research and application by using production simulated comparison for financial system

Information Security

  70 Exploration and practice on risk management of large host computer program change in commercial banks

Development Forum

  75 Research on the path of FinTech regulation

  78 Evaluation report on the purchase project of banknote counting pipeline in Inner Mongolia branch of ICBC

  82 Thinking on the research of cash loan supervision policy

Industry Observation

  87 FinTech innovation, business security stays a step ahead

  90 Zijin intelligent network solutions help "self-service bank" construction

  92 How to build a trusted network of financial security


  93 ICBC Xiaobai digital bank wins the Best Digital Brand Innovation Award, etc.

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