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  11 “工银星云助力智慧银行转型发展 /周永红

  16 云计算驱动商业银行数字化转型关键在场景 /刘光辉

  19 以云计算为依托 赋能商业银行数字化转型 /史晨阳

  23 私有云助力华夏银行数字化转型 /易永丰 王健

  26 广发银行IT架构转型的探索与实践 /李怀根

  30 借力云计算夯实IT基础,助推城商行数字化转型

     ——西安银行科技部总经理胡博访谈 /焦卢玲

  34 API开放银行:金融云领域的新实践 /张汝成 李京


  38 金融科技撬动商业银行网点4.0转型奇点 /蔡钊

  41 FinTech时代基于大数据挖掘的银行产品推荐模型研究 /王彦博 等


  44 区块链在林权抵押贷款方面的研究与应用 /袁绪 潘攀

  47 基于开放式平台的银行核心业务系统服务器部署规划浅析 /张帝 汤勇


  50 商业银行基于QoS的微服务选择策略研究 /徐福昌 等

  55 银行软件测试总分联动模式探析 /杨亮

  58 面向测试能力提升的环境仿真构建研究与实践 /廖根健


  62 银行客户对移动银行认可度的实证研究 /曹汉霖 刘璐

  65 基于整数规划和遗传算法的离行式自助设备装清钞问题研究 /黄嘉成 黄金文


  70 开放互联引领金融创新 培育人才塑造行业未来

     ——2018 ICBC - IBM全国大学生金融科技创新大赛总决赛落幕

  71 FinTech时代分布式架构 中兴助推银行业数字化转型

  72 紫金IT资源运维管理平台,助力企业数据中心向云计算数据中心转变

     ——深圳市紫金支点技术股份有限公司研发中心总经理葛志标访谈 /伍曼

  74 数据增长的目的是找到投资回报率最高的事情 /鲍忠铁

  76 中科博宏AI赋能 引流科技金融创新方向深化技术应用


  77 以数字化为基石 做好金融科技时代的渠道转型

     ——2018年金融科技创新峰会成功召开 /伍曼

  81 中信银行核心业务系统将换国产心


  84 《中国金融电脑》2018年总目录


Special Topic

  11 "ICBC Cloud" supports ecosystem transformation

  16 The key issue that cloud computing drives digital transformation of commercial banks is scene

  19 Empowering commercial banks with digital transformation based on cloud computing

  23 Private cloud assists the digital transformation of Hua Xia Bank

  26 Exploration and practice on the transformation of IT architecture of China Guangfa Bank

  30 Interview with Hu Bo who is the general manager of science and technology department of the Bank of Xi'an

  34 API Open Bank: New practice in the financial cloud field


  38 FinTech leverage the outlet’s transformation singularity of commercial bank

  41 Research on product recommendation model of bank based on big data mining in FinTech Era

FinTech Innovation

  44 Research and application of BlockChain in forest tenure mortgage loan

  47 Analysis of server deployment planning of bank core business system based on open platform

Development and Testing

  50 Research on the strategy of QoS-based micro-service selection in commercial banks

  55 Analysis of collaborative testing model between bank headquarter and subsidiaries

  58 Research and practice on environment simulation system construction to increase testing capacity

Development Forum

  62 An empirical study on the accreditation of bank customers to mobile banks

  65 Research on banknote loading and clearing of Off-premise self-service equipment based on integer programming and genetic algorithm

Industry Observation

  70 The final of the National University Students Financial Science and Technology Innovation Competition of ICBC-IBM in 2018 has been held

  71 ZTE's distributed architecture promotes digital transformation of banking industry in FinTech era

  72 Zijin’s IT resource operation and maintenance management platform helps enterprise data center to transform to cloud computing data center

  74 The goal of data growth is to find the highest return on investment

  76 Biomhope use AI to guide technology financial innovation direction and deepening technology application


  77 Summit of FinTech Innovation in 2018 has been held successfully

  81 China CITIC Bank’s core business system will change into "domestic heart", etc.

Total Contents

  84 Total contents of FCC in 2018

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2021年06月 2021年06月 2021年05月
以云计算为依托 赋能商业银行数字化转型..
广发银行IT 架构转型的探索与实践
借力云计算夯实IT 基础, 助推城商行数字..
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