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当前位置:首页 > 中国金融电脑 > 2019年1月

  8 三十而立再出发 /吕仲涛


  11 FinTech时代工商银行构建智慧生态银行的探索 /马雁

  15 金融科技时代商业银行战略模式选择初探 /王敬东

  19 持续推进科技引领数字化发展战略 全面打造中国银行数字化能力 /刘秋万

  24 数字化时代邮储银行信息科技发展模式——规划与创新双轮驱动 /李朝晖

  27 金融科技时代的数字化银行转型探索 /王兵

  30 智慧拓展金融蓝海 科技驱动创新引擎转型扬帆在路上

     ——探索FinTech时代商业银行信息科技战略模式 /王健

  33 商业银行数字化转型之研发组织模式探索 /胡德斌

  38 践行柔性信息科技战略,打造场景化金融服务能力 /邹帮山


  44 聚焦金融价值链 打造全生态型银行 /刘光仿

  46 关于中小商业银行信息科技自主可控的思考和实践 /俞晨高大鹏


  50 基于Hadoop的商业银行大数据平台研究与实现 /欧建林

  54 浅析分布式架构下银行多层级对公存款账户体系设计 /金一 等


  58 分布式事务一致性研究及其在自助服务终端集群管理中的应用 /蒋洪伟 严林

  64 基于组件分析的系统运维持续优化研究与实践 /马玉超


  69 银行移动应用引入合作方软件开发工具包(SDK)风险分析及防护研究 /孟宪哲


  75 全维度透视电子签章、闭环线上合同法律效力 /陈兴家 孙玮隆


  79 金融交易云平台:助力工业4.0时代金融IT建设创新升级

     ——访先进数通软件事业部副总经理谢智勇、研发中心副总经理张朝金 /焦卢玲

  83 超越分析 直通成果

     ——Teradata推出数据智能平台Teradata Vantage

  84 首届金融行业SD-WAN应用与实践研讨会在北京召开

  85 银行业首个全行级知识图谱已启用,看AI如何加持金融风控效能提升

  87 紫金数据中心互联网安全接入解决方案 /宣增


  88 云领航·智未来

     ——金融交易云主题研讨会在三亚召开 /焦卢玲

  93 招商银行构筑科技金融合作联盟 等


New Year Message

  8 Set a new course at the age of thirty

Special Topic

  11 Exploration on the construction of intelligent eco-bank of ICBC in FinTech era

  15 A preliminary study on the strategic model selection of commercial banks in FinTech era

  19 Promoting the digital development strategy that leading by science and technology and building the digital ability of BOC entirely

  24 Driving by “two engines”of planning and innovation which is the information technology development mode of PSBC

  27 Exploration on digital bank transition in FinTech era

  30 Exploring the information technology strategic model of commercial banks in FinTech era

  33 Exploration on R&D organizational model of commercial bank digital transition

  38 Implementing flexible information technology strategy and building scene-based financial service ability


  44 Focus on financial value chain to build a total eco-bank

  46 Consideration and practice on "independent and controllable" information technology of small and medium banks

FinTech Innovation

  50 Research and implementation of Hadoop-based big data platform of commercial banks

  54 Analysis on the design of multi-level corporate deposit account system of bank under distributed structure

IT Operation and Maintenance

  58 Research on distributed transaction consistency and the application in ATM cluster management

  64 Research and practice on consistent optimization of system operation and maintenance based on component analysis

Information Security

  69 Risk analysis and protection research of bank mobile application introducing partner SDK

Development Forum

  75 A full-dimensionality perspective on the legal validity of electronic signature and closed-loop online contract

Industry Observation

  79 Interview with Xie Zhiyong and Zhang Chaojin, the vice general manager of software division and the vice general manager of research and development center of Advanced Digital Technology

  83 Teradata launches the data intelligent platform named Teradata Vantage

  84 The first seminar on application and practice of SD-WAN in financial industry was held in Beijing

  85 The first bank-level knowledge map of banking industry has been launched to test how AI improve efficiency of financial risk control

  87 Zijin’s data center internet security access solution


  88 The symposium about financial transaction cloud held in Sanya

  93 China Merchants Bank builds scientific and technology financial cooperation alliance, etc.

2022年03月 2022年02月 2022年01月
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2021年06月 2021年06月 2021年05月
三十而立 再出发
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跨越2018 面向未来 推动我国支付产业高质..
持续推进科技引领数字化发展战略 全面打..
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