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  10 科技引领 创新驱动 持续推进数字化发展战略实施 /邢桂伟

  15 稳扎稳打 积极推进 “数据+技术”双轮驱动 建设数字化智能银行 /牛新庄

  18 数字提升价值 科技创想未来

     ——北京银行信息科技发展回顾与展望 /明立松

  21 探索数字化建设之路 /曹广智

  24 金融科技助推中小银行差异化竞争与优势发挥的思考 /李传龙


  27 线上供应链金融科技发展及应用实践 /张力引 王大猷

  32 基于Spark流计算框架的银行实时存贷款规模系统设计与实现 /周鹏 等

  37 金融云生态的建设 /李小庆


  41 商业银行大型主机自动化运维架构研究 /贾卓


  45 银行系统数据库索引应用误区的实例剖析 /陈宇辉

  49 基于 UTAUT 的银企互联金融管理系统采纳影响因素研究 /张兆吉 等

  55 中国建设银行移动金融 App 自动化测试实践 /张伟龙 等


  62 网络服务编排在云环境中的应用与研究 /刘方明

  66 光大银行应用性能管理的探索与实践 /金凤华


  70 大型商业银行核心业务系统网络攻击防控的探索与实践 /张俊 余跃

  75 银行业SWIFT渗透测试方法与实践 /李沁蕾 等

  79 开源软件在金融信息系统中的应用浅析 /张帝 胡学勇


  82 容量指标多维度分层次的构建方法初探 /刘旭 等


  85 中国农业银行新款超级柜台项目“第一中标人”怡化


  88 中兴通讯GoldenDB:具有银行基因的分布式数据库 /周日明 朱业

  90 紫金线下渠道综合运管系统助力银行网点管理升级 /陈跃


  92 加快新型数据库探索 夯实银行转型创新基础

     ——2019年银行新型数据库实施策略研讨会顺利召开 /伍曼

  93 人民银行等五部委发文鼓励互联网金融服务“三农”工程 等


Special Topic

  10 Led and driven by science and technology and innovation to promote the digital development strategy continuously

  15 Constructing the digital and intelligent bank that driven by two wheels of “Data + Technology”

  18 Review and prospect of information technology development of Beijing Bank

  21 Exploring the Road of Digital Construction

  24 Thinking about FinTech promotes the differentiated competition and advantage exertion of small and medium-sized banks

FinTech Innovation

  27 Development and application of FinTech in online supply chain

  32 Design and implementation of bank real-time deposit and loan scale system based on Spark stream computing framework

  37 Construction of financial cloud ecology

IT Operation and Maintenance

  41 Research on automated operation and maintenance of mainframes in banking system

Development and Testing

  45 Analysis on examples of improper database indexing in banking system

  49 Research on affecting elements in choosing financial management of bank-enterprise interconnection system based on UTAUT

  55 Practice on financial mobile App automated testing in CCB

Technology Management

  62 Application and research on NSO in cloud environment

  66 Exploration and practice on the Application Performance Management in China Everbright Bank

Information Security

  70 Exploration and practice on network attack prevention and control of core business system of large commercial banks

  75 Test method and practice of SWIFT penetration in banking industry

  79 Discussion on the application of open source software in financial information system

Development Forum

  82 A preliminary study on the multidimensional and hierarchical construction of capacity performance indicators

Industry Observation

  85 Yihua which accelerats the transformation of light banking outlets by means of science and technology

  88 ZTE GoldenDB: A distributed database with banking genes

  90 Zijin’s off-line channel integrated transportation management system helps upgrade the network management of bank


  92 The Seminar on New Bank Database Implementation Strategy in 2019 was held smoothly

  93 PBC and other five ministries and commissions issued papers to encourage Internet financial services to "agriculture, rural areas and rural people" projects, etc.

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科技引领 创新驱动 持续推进数字化发展战..
稳扎稳打 积极推进——“数据+技术”双轮..
数字提升价值 科技创想未来——北京银行..
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