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  09 科技驱动 创新领跑 深入推进智慧银行转型 /马雁

  14 夯实科技创新基础 驱动智能银行转型升级

     ——中国农业银行科技与产品管理局局长刘国建访谈 /焦卢玲

  19 创新驱动,奋楫扬帆,扎实推进银行数字化转型

     ——中国光大银行信息科技工作回顾与展望 /史晨阳

  23 科技赋能,全面推进银行数字化升级发展 /胡博 刘俊

  27 强化信息科技基础 助推数字化战略实施 /余文熙


  30 “互联网+”时代的商业银行供应链系统的发展路径及策略 /张仰晨

  34 机器学习在商业银行个人信用评价中的应用 /张兴森

  37 基于人脸识别技术的智慧职场设计与实现 /马黎 等


  40 数据中心能耗指标PUE解析 /陈庆

  46 数据中心F5设备一体化运维管理的实践 /张相广


  50 银行核心业务系统存储网络交换机部署规划浅析 /张帝 汤勇

  54 商业银行交易报文脱敏方法与模型以及在综合场景测试中的应用 /王炜 张少博


  59 光大银行外部数据管理实践 /邵理煜

  62 欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)要求下的数据应用实践 /魏来

  65 浅谈基层央行机房改造中存在的问题和改进建议 /王雪华


  68 商业银行软件安全开发生命周期思考与实践 /姜城

  71 银行大数据智能风控平台建设及应用 /李小庆


  75 项目研发之产品思维培养 /张升 孙健

  78 新时代商业银行对政府融资平台公司授信策略的研究 /刘璐 杨静波

  84 银行入手建设网贷平台的探讨 /顾亦明

  89 基于二级法人的统一客户信息管理的实践和思考 /阮光荣


  93 数字化重塑2.0阶段开启,IBM Z/LinuxONE助力企业迈入多云时代 /伍曼


  94 中国人民银行金融科技委员会召开2019年第一次会议等


Special Topic

  09 Driving innovation by science and technology and promoting the transformation of intelligent bank deeply

  14 Interview with Liu Guojian who is the director general of the Department of Science and Technology and Products of ABOC

  19 Review and prospect towards information and technology development of China Everbright Bank

  23 Enabled by science and technology and promote the upgrading development of digital bank

  27 Strengthening the foundation of information science and technology to promote the implementation of digital strategy

FinTech Innovation

  30 The development path and strategy of supply chain system of commercial banks in the era of “Internet+”

  34 Application of machine learning in personal credit evaluation of commercial banks

  37 Design and implementation of intelligent workplace based on face recognition technology

IT Operation and Maintenance

  40 Analysis of power usage effectiveness in data center

  46 Integrated operation and maintenance of F5 equipment in data center

Development and Testing

  50 Deployment planning for storage network switches for kernel business system in bank

  54 Solutions and model of banking transaction data desensitization and application in comprehensive scenario testing

Technology Management

  59 External data management practice of Everbright Bank

  62 Practice on data application under EU GDPR

  65 Suggestions towards the problems during the computer room’s reconstruction of basic level branch of central bank

Information Security

  68 Consideration and practice on software security development lifecycle in commercial banks

  71 Construction and application of intelligent risk management platform of big data of bank

Development Forum

  75 Product thinking training in project research and development

  78 Research on credit-granting strategies of commercial banks to government financing platform companies in the new era

  84 Discussion on the construction of online loan platform by bank

  89 Practice and consideration of unified customer information management based on legal person subsidiaries

Industry Observation

  93 IBM Z/LinuxONE helps enterprises enter the cloudy age in the digital reengineering phase 2.0


  94 The first meeting of Financial Technology Committee of the People 's Bank of China in 2019 was held, etc.

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2021年06月 2021年06月 2021年05月
科技驱动 创新领跑 深入推进智慧银行转型..
夯实科技创新基础 驱动智能银行转型升级..
创新驱动,奋楫扬帆, 扎实推进银行数字..
强化信息科技基础 助推数字化战略实施
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