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  10 探索公司化运作模式,夯实可持续创新基础

     ——建信金融科技公司的思考与实践 /雷鸣

  14 助推科技金融银行建设构筑可持续开放赋能生态

     ——访民生科技有限公司执行董事、总经理牛新庄 /焦卢玲

  18 探索公司化路径 赋能行业转型变革

     ——金融壹账通品牌总经理陈建光访谈 /焦卢玲

  21 探索公司化运作新模式 打造数字化转型新引擎 /王曦


  24 金融科技时代的银行IT () /梁礼方


  30 智能投顾之”——基于大数据与机器学习的模型建设 /彭华 等

  35 我国金融科技监管框架完善路径浅析 /刘宇

  38 云视角下农村金融业务连续性服务新模式 /刘伟佳 马建明


  42 浅谈数据驱动测试(DDT)在银行系统中的应用 /刘跃光 刘建伟

  47 银行测试数据自动化构建实践 /宋向京 史新丽

  53 银行审计信息化建设研究与实践 /陈花平

58 传统商业银行敏捷开发模式的研究与实践

——基于版本火车研发模式的实践 /王帆


  63 数据中心国标标准与Tier标准差异解析 /龚慧钦


  67 漏洞全生命周期管理服务探索与实践 /黄建

  72 以可信为基打造高安全云计算环境

     ——光大银行生产云安全设计和建设方案 /王海滨 杜皎


  77 大型商业银行科技项目经理人才队伍建设实践 /章小路 等

  80 浅谈需求元数据管理 /赵佳鑫


  82 浅析俄罗斯Tinkoff银行的发展历程及启示 /郑祥星

  85 以科技为支撑 探索商业银行智能发展路径 /李小庆


  89 银行核心系统分布式数据库实施方案 /吕达 左奇

  91 兴业数金:以安全合规为基石 做好金融行业云服务 /许志恒


  94 中国银行发布手机银行6.0版本 等


Special Topic

  10 Consideration and practice of Financial Science and Technology Company of CCB

  14 Interview with Niu Xinzhuang who is the executive director and general manager of Minsheng Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

  18 Interview with Chen Jianguang who is the brand general manager of One Connect

  21 Exploring the new mode of corporate operation and creating a new engine for digital transformation


  24 Banking IT in FinTech era ( part III)

FinTech Innovation

  30 Model construction based on big data and machine learning

  35 A brief analysis of the ways to Improve the FinTech supervision framework in China

  38 New model of rural financial business continuity service from the perspective of cloud

Development and Testing

  42 Application of data driven testing in banking systems

  47 Practice on automatic construction of testing data in banks

  53 Research and practice on audit information construction in banks

  58 Research and practice on agile development in traditional commercial bank, the practice based on “version train” development method

IT Operation and Maintenance

  63 Analysis of standard difference between National Standard and Tier Standard for data center

Information Security

  67 Exploration and practice of vulnerability lifecycle management service

  72 Design and construction scheme of production cloud security for China Everbright Bank

Technology Management

  77 Practice on the construction of talent team of science and technology project managers of large commercial bank

  80 Discussion on the management of demand metadata

Development Forum

  82 Disscuss the development and inspiration of Tinkoff bank in Russia briefly

  85 Exploring the Intelligent development path of commercial banks supported by science and technology

Industry Observation

  89 Implementation scheme of distributed database in bank core system

  91 CIB FINTECH: Provide excellent cloud service in financial Industry on the basis of safety compliance


  94 Bank of China releases mobile banking version 6.0, etc.

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