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  10 坚守初心,智创未来 构建工商银行新一代智慧网点服务体系 /吴绵顺

  13 携手“5G+”,探索商业银行未来网点转型之路 /张方

  16 “5G+”网络时代商业银行未来网点转型之路 /彭晓 年岱

  21 坐商行商5G时代银行网点转型的思考 /谭柱钢 朱丹

  25 “金融+科技焕发银行网点服务新活力 /胡博 刘俊


  29 NLP技术在农行信用卡风险管理领域的应用 /吕俊锋 等


  35 坚守安全稳健 专注价值创造

     ——中国工商银行数据中心成立十九周年发展纪实 /中国工商银行数据中心


  39 探索生物识别企业级应用 打造金融科技创新型服务

     ——商业银行的生物识别探索之路 /卫晓欣 李香善

  44 农业银行容器化技术创新与实践 /宋煊 余琪


  47 中国民生银行云测试平台建设实践 /刘晨东 等

  54 中国光大银行第二代智能服务系统建设 /沈伟伟

  57 商业银行自动化测试实践及发展趋势/张泽昭 等


  61 数据中心日志集中管理平台研究 /耿辉 等


  67 境外强监管形势下业务研发一体化的思考和实践——基于欧盟PSD2监管项目的探索 /侯佳 等

  73 商业银行高效型需求管理研究及实践 /陈青 等


  76 浅谈智慧生态银行建设 /李小庆

  80 商业银行数字化转型的国际经验借鉴 /王乃嘉


  84 重塑客户亲密关系是银行渠道变革的目标

     ——赞同科技股份有限公司高级副总裁、星耀蓝图创始人林星访谈 /伍曼

  86 星云精准测试——可追溯、可视化的软件质量保障体系 /星云测试

  89 专注金融机构客户,盛世大联以网络科技赋能车后服务

     ——盛世大联保险代理股份有限公司董事长雷准富访谈 /谢香玲

  90 数据中心云网发展正当时——云杉网络COO来源访谈 /伍曼

  91 神州信息助人民银行实现量子加密应用 推进金融行业安全发展

  92 巨杉数据库引领国产化数据库新时代


  93 国务院修改《外资保险公司管理条例》和《外资银行管理条例》 等


Special Topic

  10 Keeping original intention and creating the future with intelligence and building a new generation of service system of the intelligent bank nodes of ICBC

  13 Going hand in hand with "5G Plus" to explore the transitional road of the commercial bank nodes in the future

  16 The transitional road of the commercial bank nodes in "5G Plus" era

  21 From the passive to the active, thinking about the transformation of bank nodes in the era of 5G

  25 "Finance plus technology" revitalizing the bank nodes service


  29 Application of NLP technology in risk management of credit card of ABC

Inquiry on Hot Point

  35 Recording the actual events of the 19th anniversary of data center’s development of ICBC

FinTech Innovation

  39 The way for commercial banks to explore biological recognition techniques

  44 Innovation and practice on containerization technology in ABC

Development and Testing

  47 Cloud testing platform implementation and practices in China Minsheng Bank

  54 Generation II intellectual service system implementation in China Everbright Bank

  57 Trend analysis of automated testing in commercial bank

IT Operation and Maintenance

  61 Research on centralized log management system in data center

Technology Management

  67 Considerations and practices on integrated BD and R&D under enhanced supervision from overseas based on exploration of PSD2 project under EU supervision

  73 Research and practice on efficient requirement management of commercial bank

Development Forum

  76 Discussion on the construction of smart eco-bank

  80 International experience of digital transformation of commercial banks

Industry Observation

  84 Interview with senior vice president of Agree Technology, Lin Xing

  86 TestStars——A traceable and visual software quality assurance system

  89 Interview with Lei Zhunfu, the chairman of Sun Car Insurance Agency Co., Ltd.

  90 Interview with Lai Yuan, COO of Yunshan Networks

  91 DCITS helps the People's Bank of China to realize quantum encryption application and promotes the security development of financial industry

  92 SequoiaDB leads the new era of domestic database


  93 The State Council revised the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-funded Insurance Companies and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-funded Banks , etc.

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