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  11 打造先进的数据管理平台 为业务发展保驾护航/李庆莉

  13 互联网金融下的证券业分析/罗毅

  22 互联网金融对证券行业带来的挑战与机遇/布和

  26 南华期货的融合基础架构实践


  29 “互联网金融+大数据+虚拟运营商”创造新的产业机会/颜阳


  32 银行业务需求分析模式及路径初探/张增军

  37 TCP异步长连接的选择及心跳处理机制的实现/沈晓


  40 信息系统连续性运行风险及应对策略分析/徐泽中

  46 网络虚拟化技术发展及未来影响/刘方明 等

  51 VMware服务器虚拟化运维监控方法初探/张乾尊 邵大年


  55 HIDS产品在商业银行满足PCI合规性要求中应用分析/马一腾 等

  58 自助银行安全管控策略探讨/邬海光 蒋斌


  65 远程机房无人值守的探讨与实践/李亮元

  69 商业银行非结构化客户信息管理SWOT分析与战略选择/易敏 冯伟


  73 解读平安财险的大数据营销/尹会岩等

  76 流程银行导向下商业银行绩效考核系统的建构/冯毅

  81 P2P网络借贷存在的风险与监管思路初探/许一帆


  84 EMC创新的全闪存阵列XtremIO

  85 四位一体 尽在掌握


  87 银行现金管理的挑战及应对之道/缪刚

  88 基于声波通信技术的ATM创新应用/王洋洋

  89 赛门铁克保险行业容灾案例

  90 民生银行移动应用安全保障机制实践/李吉慧

  91 融和金融服务外包信息化实践/赵文彪

  92 流量可视 尽在掌握



  93 证监会发布《证券交易数据交换协议》等三项行业标准 等


Special Topic

  11 Constructing advanced data management platform for security business development

  13 Analysis of the securities industry under Internet Finance

  22 The challenges and opportunities brought by Internet Finance in the securities industry

  26 The practice of fusion infrastructure in Nanhua Futures

  29 “The Internet Finance + data + virtual operators”create new opportunities

Development and Testing

  32 Exploration of bank business requirements analysis model and path

  37 The choice of asynchronous long TCP connection and realization of heartbeat handling mechanism

IT Running and Maintenance

  40 Analysis of information system continuous operation risk and coping strategies

  46 Network virtualization technology development and future impact

  51 Exploration of server virtualization operation and monitoring method

Information Security

  55 HIDS products in the commercial banks to meet the application analysis of PCI compliance requirements

  58 Investigation of the self-service banking security control strategy

Technology Management

  65 Discussion and practice of remote unattended computer room

  69 Unstructured customer information management SWOT analysis and strategic choice of commercial banks

Development Forum

  73 Interpretation of big data marketing insurance

  76 Construction of performance appraisal system commercial banks under the guidance of process banking

  81 Study on risk and control of P2P network lending

IT Observation

  84 The all-flash memory array XtremIO of EMC’s innovation

  85 Four in one and in my hands

  87 The challenges and countermeasures of bank cash management

  88 The innovation and application of ATM based on acoustic communication technology

  89 Symantec insurance industry recovery case

  90 Minsheng Bank security mechanism of mobile application practice

  91 Ronghe Group's financial service outsourcing (BPO) information practice

  92 Flow visualization and under control

Industry Information

  93 CSRC issued the "securities trading data exchange protocol" and the three industry standards,etc.

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