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当前位置:首页 > 中国金融电脑 > 2017年7月


  11 区块链技术在公益扶贫领域应用的思考和实践/ 苏恒

  16 民生银行在区块链领域的创新研究/ 牛新庄

  19 区块链何时能在金融行业开花结果/ 曹广智

  23 抓住机遇、明确定位、防控风险、自主掌握

     ——北京银行区块链技术探索与实践/ 北京银行软件开发部

  26 从商业银行系统建设者角度浅析区块链技术应用/ 黄分星


  29 用创新和管理打造最佳客户体验银行”/ 袁东宁


  32 探索大数据技术在商业银行信用风险监控领域的应用/ 胡敏 等


  37 浅谈数据中心数据备份管理/ 尤克勤 等


  42 区块链原理及应用漫谈()/ 漆英


  48 金融信息之网络数据模型的研究/ 姜才康 李兴春

  54 一级分行机房标准化、模块化设计与创新

     ——工商银行内蒙古分行新机房建设成果分析与研究/ 田小飞


  60 网络功能虚拟化技术在金融云中的应用前景/ 刘方明

  64 大型网络的故障快速定位和互联网配套解决方案/ 邹进


  66 银行报表指标类信息系统测试体系分析/ 刘之强 等

  70 AIX环境下基于gSOAPWeb Service客户端开发/ 严林


  75 依托网络架构创新 释放金融行业潜力


  76 勒索软件拉响全球警钟思科安全响应快人一步

  77 科沃斯助力银行智慧化转型,持续探索机器人专业应用

  78 经济如合璧 数据如连珠

     ——金融与大数据相得益彰 成就彼此/ 鲍忠铁

  80 大数据时代下洗钱风险侦测/ 俞瑜

  82 紫金网络虚拟化部署方案在金融行业的应用

  83 银行专用点钞机的设计理念/ 彭联贴


  84 探索金融科技创新 推动银行智慧转型

     ——2017年智慧银行建设研讨会顺利召开/ 伍曼

  91 探索电子影像新技术助力工行拓展新应用


  93 跟踪区块链技术前沿提升金融区块链应用研发与创新

     ——第一次金融区块链应用创新研讨会成功召开/ 康超

  95 中国人民银行印发《中国金融业信息技术十三五发展规划》 等


Special Topic

  11 Thinking and practice on the application of block chain technology in the area of poverty alleviation

  16 The innovation research on block chain of CMBC

  19 When will the “block chain” blossom in financial industry?

  23 The exploration and the practice of the block chain technology in Bank of Beijing

  26 Discussion on the block chain application from a system builder’s perspective of commercial bank

Inquiry on Hot Point

  29 To create “the best customer experience bank” with innovation and management

Business Innovation

  32 Exploration the application of big data technology in the field of commercial bank credit risk monitoring

Information Security

  37 Discussion on data backup management of data center

Development Forum

  42 Discussion on the theory and application of block chain

Technology Management

  48 Research on network data model of financial information

  54 Analysis and research on achievements of the new computer room construction in Inner Mongolia branch of ICBC

IT Running and Maintenance

  60 Future applications of Network Function Virtualization Technologies in Banking Cloud

  64 Trouble-shooting of Large Scale Network and Web-Based Solution

Development and Testing

  66 Testing and Analysis of Bank Report System

  70 gSOAP Based Web Service Client Development on AIX

IT Observation

  75 Cisco fully digital network architecture helps the Hywin to open the fully digital journey

  76 Ransomware is a global wake-up call, Cisco security response is one step ahead

  77 Ecovacs is enabling banking smart transformation to explore the professional application of Robotics

  78 Finance and big data complement each other and accomplish each other

  80 Money laundering risk detection in the era of big data

  82 Application of Zijin network virtualization deployment in the financial industry

  83 Design concept of bank special currency counting machine

Industry Information

  84 The seminar of Smart Banking Construction (2017) has been held successfully

  91 Seminar about Financial Electronic Imaging Technology Innovation and Application of ICBC (2017) has been held in Lanzhou

  93 The first seminar about Block Chain’ Application and Innovation in Financial Industry has been held successfully

  95 PBOC published “Chinese financial industry information technology development plan of the ‘13th Five-Year’”, etc.

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