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  11 借力大数据深耕风控 夯实金融企业核心竞争力 /李金浩

  15 大数据时代智能风控体系建设实践 /刘刚

  19 依托大数据技术构建商业银行智能风控体系 /邢桂伟

  23 立足金融科技,大数据智能风控助力普惠金融 /陆登强

  26 银行大数据风控能力建设与实践 /邵理煜

  30 大数据全渠道风控体系的探索与实践 /刘良俊

  35 大数据风控护航商业银行高质量发展 /宗勇涛


  40 以总体国家安全观为指引 开启金融科技创新新征程 /蔡钊


  43 关于运维自动化建设若干关键点的思考 /张帝 李庆华

  46 数据中心生产问题分级管理研究与实践 /张家文


  49 数据中心大型机平台计算资源优化的研究与实践 /赵连强 葛迅

  53 净室统计测试在银行核心系统中的应用研究 /黄翔 等


  58 把握机会,再创辉煌——兼议金融机具行业的创新之道 /黄武扬

  63 农村金融机构网络支付平台的实践与思考——以福建农信网络支付平台为例 /何梁琪


68 擦亮网络监控之眼

——A银行数据中心网络监控实践的经验、不足及下一步工作 /李国金

  73 商业银行智能化案防体系建设研究 /刘刚 等


  78 新时代中小商业银行信息科技风险分析及建议 /李燕 许存发

  84 利用关键绩效指标实施银行业组织级项目治理 /石静 等


  89 京北方发布云测平台,打造一站式综合测试云平台服务

  90 运维延伸,智慧升级,智能运维平台打造行业自主可控心” /王小玲

  92 大数据在银行现金调拨和库存计划中的应用 /洪玮


  93 工商银行与人保推出线上一站式车主服务平台 等


Special Topic

  11 Working hard at risk management, rely on big data,to consolidate the core competitiveness of financial enterprises

  15 Practice on the construction of intelligent risk management system in the big data era

  19 Building intelligent risk management system of commercial bank based on big data technology

  23 Based on FinTech, big data intelligent risk management promotes inclusive finance

  26 Ability constructing and practice of banking big data risk management

  30 Exploration and practice on big data intelligent omni-channel risk control system

  35 Big data risk management escorts the high quality development of commercial banks


  40 Taking the general national security concept as a guideline to open a new journey of FinTech innovation

IT Operation and Maintenance

  43 Consideration of operation and maintenance automation

  46 Research and practice on classified production management in data center

Development and Testing

  49 Research and practice of optimization of computing resources on mainframe platform in data center

  53 Application research of kernel system testing using clean-room statistics in bank

Development Forum

  58 Discussion on the innovation of financial machinery industry

  63 Practice and thinking of network payment platform of rural financial institutions

Information Security

  68 Record of A bank data center network monitoring experience, shortcomings and next steps

  73 Research on the construction of intelligent case defense system for commercial banks

Technology Management

  78 Analysis and suggestion on information technology risk of small and medium-sized commercial banks in the new era

  84 Using key performance index to implement organization level project governance in banking industry

Industry Observation

  89 Northking Information released cloud testing platform to create a one-stop comprehensive testing cloud platform services

  90 Operation and maintenance extending, intelligent upgrading, intelligent operation and maintenance platform builds “independent decision-making and controllable industry”

  92 The application of big data in bank cash allocation and inventory planning


  93 ICBC and PICC launch online one-stop vehicle owner service platform, etc.

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