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当前位置:首页 > 中国信用卡 > 2015年7月



  10 加快个人信用消费金融创新 助推经济转型升级

  ——访中国工商银行股份有限公司牡丹卡中心总裁栾建胜/代 萍


  15 构建多元化产品服务体系 夯实征信市场发展基础

  ——访中国人民银行征信中心党委书记王晓明/代 萍

  20 芝麻信用 :做合规标杆式征信公司


  25 领先布局 考拉征信打造全领域征信服务平台

  ——访考拉征信服务有限公司总裁李广雨/杜 娟

  29 依托集团优势 提升核心竞争力

  ——访深圳前海征信中心股份有限公司总经理邱寒/代 萍


  32 国外信用卡业务创新策略及其对我国商业银行的启示/何开宇

  36 商业银行信用卡业务转型发展研究/高 尚

  39 国际银行卡刷卡手续费定价机制对我国的启示/郑 爽

金融 IC 卡

  42 以金融 IC 卡为突破口 助推教育金融服务全面升级/谢立英

  46 欠发达地区金融 IC 卡应用的问题与对策/程世荣 李冬梅


  48 数字电视支付的模式和发展建议/经 邦

  51 基层商业银行电子支付业务存在的问题及建议/何 虹 王宏亭


  54 大数据时代信用卡业务数据挖掘问题浅析/王庆露 翟蔚杰

  57 基于统一金融机构编码信息的大数据应用探讨/唐 波 等

  60 银行业金融消费者权益保护问题不容忽视/匡 军

  63 虚拟电子账户洗钱风险探析及防范策略选择/许井荣


  67 信用卡催收诉讼的几个常见问题/吴春林

  71 商业银行与个人签订劳务合同的法律风险及防范建议/赵 禹


  75 大额存单或将显著冲击保本型银行理财产品/匡宸郗

  78 银行理财将向更高层级的财富管理发展/魏骥遥


  81 关于金融社保卡多应用推广的探讨/袁 华



  82 里约热内卢 :上帝在第七天创造的圣地/老 兜



  88 北大游记/董晓凌


  92 工商银行与中建携手打造千亿级电商平台 等


Special Report


  10 Accelerate personal credit consumption financial innovation and boost economic restructuring upgrading


  15 Build diversified product service system and reinforce the development of the credit market

  20 Sesame Credit: to build the compliance pacesetter of credit companies

  25 Be in lead of the layout, Koala Credit wants to build the whole field credit information service platform

  29 Relying on the advantages of the group to enhance the core competitiveness

Business Management

  32 The enlightenment of foreign credit card business innovation strategy to our commercial banks

  36 Research of commercial bank credit card business transformation development

  39 Enlightenment of international bank card fee pricing mechanism to China

Financial IC card

  42 Promote education financial services comprehensive upgrade with the financial IC card as a breakthrough point

  46 Problems and countermeasures of financial IC card application in less developed areas

Payment Innovation

  48 The mode and development suggestion of digital TV payment

  51 The problems and suggestions of the electronic payment service for basic commercial banks

Finance Forum

  54 Analysis of the problem of credit card business data mining in the age of big data

  57 Discussion on the application of large data based on uniform financial institution code information

  60 The problems of banking consumer right protection work can not be ignored

  63 Analysis on the risk of money laundering in virtual electronic accounts and strategy selection

Legal Affairs

  67 Several common problems about credit card collection procedure

  71 Legal risks and preventive suggestions for labor contracts between commercial banks and individual

Fortune Plaza

  75 Certificates of deposit will have a significant impact on the banks’ Capital Preservation financial products

  78 Bank financial management will move to a higher level of wealth management

Enterprise Exhibition

  81 Discussion on the multiple application of the financial social security card

Leisure Time


  82 Rio De Janeiro: the Holy Land God created in the seventh day

Culture Essay

Informal essay

  88 The travel essay to Beijing University

Industry News

  92 ICBC and CSCEC cooperate to build a hundred billion electricity business platform, etc.

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