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  11 后ITIL时代的保险IT运维管理创新:从思考到实践/张化群

  15 保险大数据的探索与实践/张新宇

  20 大数据时代保险电商如何沙漠掘金 /李福宇

  25 农银人寿移动应用系统建设实践与展望/闫友祥

  29 互联网重塑保险市场与商业模式 /何凯

  33 渤海人寿信息系统与电商平台建设实践/陈赟


  36 银行系互联网金融品牌首亮相



  39 锐意改革 自主创新 开创农行面向服务信息化建设的新局面/于进

  43 构建同城“双活”灾备体系,推动农商行业务创新发展



  48 大数据在保险行业中的应用探究/王玮


  52 ATM自动化测试工具的应用/于焘 周玥

  55 银行应用系统监控平台的设计与实现/胡伟华 唐爱鸿

  58 基层央行国库业务数据管理系统的设计与实现/周国涛


  63 模块化在金融业数据中心机房建设中的应用研究/李崇辉

  70 商业银行一体化生产运行质量管控研究/苑帅 方强


  74 分行主机房的精细化管理/金一长


  79 银行营业网点运营标准化管理实施过程中的难点及完善对策/熊建钢 汪志勇

  82 互联网金融信息安全风险研究/陈磊 史晓红


  86 Kodak Alaris 五年战略隆重发布/郝京

  87 Teradata:传统银行加速转型数字银行,四步骤提升数据应用能力/李庆莉

  88 紫金嗅探犬助力ATM安全可控/郭亚


  89 推动网点无线上网服务,提升大数据业务价值


  91 创新电子影像技术应用,着力打造智慧银行


  93 工商银行公布2014年经营情况 等


Special Topic

  11 Insurance industry IT operational and maintenance management innovation in the post ITIL era: from thinking to practice

  15 Exploration and practice of insurance big data

  20 How insurance e-commerce to dig gold from desert on the age of big data

  25 Practice and outlook of the development of ABCLife mobile application system construction

  29 Internet remodeling insurance industry market and the pattern

  33 Bohai Life information system and electronic commerce platform construction practice

Inquiry on Hot Point

  36 ICBC released "e-ICBC", to speed up the implementation of the Internet Financial Strategy


  39 ABC reform and innovate independently and create a new situation of service oriented information construction

  43 Construct the city "double live" disaster recovery system,promote the development of business innovation of rural commercial bank

Business Innovation

  48 Investigation the big data applications in the insurance industry

Development and Testing

  52 On the application of ATM automated testing tools

  55 Design and practice of bank application system monitoring platform

  58 Design and implementation of grassroots PBOC treasury business data management system

IT Running and Maintenance

  63 Study on the application of modular design in the financial industry data center room construction

  70 Study on commercial banks integrated producing and running quality control

Technology Management

  74 Fine management of branch bank computer room

Development Forum

  79 The difficulties and perfecting countermeasures during the process of business outlets standard operation management

  82 Research on the security risk of Internet financial information

IT Observation

  86 Kodak Alaris 5 years strategic released

  87 Teradata:Traditional banks to speed up the transition to digital bank, four steps to improve data application ability

  88 Zijin sniffer dog helps ATM be safety and controlled

Industry Information

  89 2015 bank outlets wireless technology training meeting be held

  91 2015 commercial bank electronic image equipment and technology innovation training meeting be held

  93 ICBC announced the 2014 operating situation,etc.

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