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  34 披荆斩棘共度二十载 励精图治再写新篇章 /谷澍

  37 砥砺深耕二十载 携手奋进创未来 /杨龙如

  40 工商银行软件开发中心历任总经理寄语

  43 创新超越 为工商银行改革发展提供强大科技支撑

  48 执着奉献 敢为人先 创新超越


  54 工商银行软件开发中心成立二十周年大事记


  58 工商银行多措并举 积极防范电信诈骗 /中国工商银行信息科技部


  60 当银行数字化战略遭遇第三方数字钱包 /Christophe Uzureau 季新苏


  63 基于TOPSIS和用户偏好的用户业务倾向性分析 /徐福昌 等

  70 商业银行数据挖掘之“修、养、生、息” /崔莹琰 贾晓惠


  74 大数据背景下金融企业人力资源管理优化探讨 /孙晓燕 焦卢玲


  78 银行转型中远程授权业务的发展与思考 /马胜蓝 等


  86 柯达乐芮加速布局中国行业市场 /郝京

  88 Teradata公司助力中国企业构建下一代数据分析生态系统

  89 Informatica主数据管理提升企业业务价值

  90 紫金云计算平台催化企业云桌面落地 /吴树彪

  91 社保卡在手 发费缴费均不愁

     ——博宏公司协助各地开展人社公共服务管理平台建设 /翁斌

  92 ZETTAKIT面向未来的金融IT基础架构 /杨凯程


  93 安永:互联网金融和新技术成为上市银行发展新动力等



Special Topic

  34 Blazed the trail for twenty years, strive for progress in the future

  37 Intensively cultivating for twenty years, join hands to create the future

  40 Messages of the former general managers of the Software Development Center of ICBC

  43 Innovation and outdistancing to provide strong scientific and technological support for the reform and development of ICBC

  48 The story of the staff in Software Development Center of ICBC

  54 Twenty anniversary events of Software Development Center of ICBC

Inquiry on Hot Point

  58 ICBC actively take measures to prevent telecommunications fraud


  60 When the bank's digital strategy encountering the third party digital wallet

Development and Testing

  63 Analysis of user business tendency based on TOPSIS and user preference

  70 “Xiu Yang Sheng Xi”of data mining in commercial banks

Technology Management

  74 Research on optimization about human resource management of financial enterprises under the background of big data

Smart Banking Outlet

  78 The development and thinking of the remote authorization business in the transformation of the bank

IT Observation

  86 KodakAlaris speed up the layout in China’s industry market

  88 Teradata company helps Chinese enterprises to build the next generation ecological system of data analysis

  89 Informatica master data management improve enterprise business value

  90 Zijin cloud computing platform has a vital catalytic role in enterprise cloud desktop application

  91 Boomhope company assist different areas to develop the human resources and social security public service management platform's construction

  92 ZETTAKIT——financial IT infrastructure for the future

Industry Information

  93 Ernst & Young: Internet banking and new technology has become the new driving force for the development of Listed Banks, etc.

2022年03月 2022年02月 2022年01月
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2021年09月 2021年08月 2021年07月
2021年06月 2021年06月 2021年05月
披荆斩棘共度二十载 励精图治再写新篇章..
砥砺深耕二十载 携手奋进创未来
工商银行软件开发中心 历任总经理寄语
创新超越 为工商银行改革发展提供强大科..
执着奉献 敢为人先 创新超越——工软人的..
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