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  11 加强IT外包风险管理,共建和谐金融科技生态圈

     ——2016年商业银行外部研发资源管理研讨会召开 /李克 伍曼

  14 商业银行外部研发人员管理体系建设 /熊志正 等

  18 邮储银行:基于自主可控的外部研发资源管理与实践 /胡军锋

  22 商业银行外部研发资源管理探讨 /吴军

  26 广发银行外部研发资源管理实践 /吕志刚

  32 民生银行信息科技外包管理探索之道 /马琳


  41 银行信息科技外包供应商的分类与分级管理探讨 /刘述忠 等


  45 从“比特币挖矿”看区块链技术的共识机制 /梁斌

  47 对区块链技术在银行中应用的思考 /张保军


  49 移动终端用户体验交互设计

     ——如何设计出一款用户体验好的手机APP /王征佳

  54 主机查询交易下移技术与实践 /冯晓 等


  58 基于业务负载的同城双活数据中心资源分布研究方法 /张新晖 等

  64 数据中心新一代备份系统建设方案 /尤克勤


  70 商业银行省级分行绩效考核系统建设思路 /安兆金

  74 人民银行IT设备管理绩效审计实现途径研究 /高博


  77 银行业在新常态下经营方式转变的思考 /李东卫

  80 徐州金融服务质量提升成效显著 /刘圣庆 宋立志


  83 首届C3安全峰会暨中国云安全峰会成功举办

  84 闪存技术助力银行业务改善 /张全林

  85 西安银行携手梆梆安全共建联合实验室为金融安全保驾护航

  86 打造“智能客服” Avaya借力Fintech推动联络中心改革

  87 浅析未来金融行业联络中心对金融业务的支撑

  89 紫金新一代跨平台ATMC自动版本分发管理系统简介 /陈跃

  90 航天信息与德利多富合资合作开创金融信息服务新局面 /李庆莉

  92 SmartLog:“日志沙漠”中的淘金者 /李豫龙


  93 加强成果交流,共同推动测试工作创新和发展


  95 人民银行:积极推进金融信用信息基础数据库建设等



Special Topic

  11 2016 commercial bank external research and development resources management seminar be held

  14 Construction of external development human resources management system in commercial banks

  18 Thinking and practice of PSBC based on Independent and controllable outsourcing management

  22 Study on the external research and development resource management of commercial banks

  26 The practice of external development resource management in CGB

  32 Exploration on China Minsheng Bank’s outsourcing management of information technology


  41 Discussion on the classification management of information technology outsourcing suppliers in banks

Business Innovation

  45 Understanding of consensus mechanism in blockchain technology from Bitcoin Mining

  47 Thinking on the application of blockchain technology in banking

Development and Testing

  49 How to design a good user experience mobile phone APP?

  54 Technology and practice of host query transaction down

IT Running and Maintenance

  58 Research method of city double live data center resource distribution based on traffic load

  64 The construction program of new generation backup system of data center

Technology Management

  70 The construction of performance evaluation system for province branches of commercial banks

  74 Study of the way to realize PBC’s IT equipment management performance auditing

Development Forum

  77 Thinking on the operation mode transformation of the banking industry under the New Normal

  80 The financial services’ quality of Xuzhou have been improved significantly

IT Observation

  83 The First C3 Security Summit and China Cloud Security Summit have achieved great success

  84 Flash memory technology boosts the banking business improvement

  85 The Bank of Xi'an and Bangcle sign joint laboratory agreement for financial security

  86 Avaya promotes contact center reform to create "smart customer service" with Fintech

  87 Analysis on the support of the financial industry contact center for financial services in the future

  89 A brief introduction to ZIJIN’s automatic version distribution management system of the new generation cross platform ATMC

  90 Aisino Corporation has set up a joint venture company with Wincor Nixdorf International to create a new situation of financial information service

  92 SmartLog ,the gold digger in the log desert

Industry Information

  93 2016 Chinese Banking Industry Software Testing Achievements Exchange Conference was held

  95 Shanghai opened the national first Internet payment platform, etc.

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