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  10 深耕“三农”市场 探索差异化转型之路 /韩继炀

  13 坚定科技创新自信 勇闯数字化转型之路——以澎湃动力引领农商银行业务高质量发展 /侯志红

  16 聚焦地缘化金融服务场景优势 借力金融科技赋能差异化发展 /李传龙

  20 福建农信差异化科技发展转型探索与实践 /程舒晗

  24 重塑金融科技架构体系 践行差异化科技转型之路 /郭海文

  28 厚积薄发 基于底层平台的互联网金融探索之路 /姜顺

  32 深耕区域性客户金融服务需求 推动数字化时代的“自我赋能” /齐亚斌


  35 后疫情时代远程银行数字化转型思考 /钱宏

  40 敏捷银行建设中的非功能测试转型 /宋立


  45 金融顾问移动应用开发与实践 /宋立志

  51 金融科技赋能业务创新发展,“快审快贷”助力小微企业高效融资 /沈栋


  54 关于商业银行智慧网点建设的挑战和思考 /于焘


  57 基于服务网格技术的银行分布式服务总线方案探索 /陈林 王珑


  61 数据中心智能化运维探索与实践 /王鲲


  66 SOAR技术在银行业应用浅析 /邢家鸣 王贵智


  70 千里之行,始于创新——中国工商银行金融市场后台运营系统的全球化推广之路 /郭煦阳

  73 商业银行安全态势感知体系研究和实践 /刘佳杰

  78 光大银行测试能力提升探索与实践 /吕晶


  82 智慧场景金融建设的研究与实践 /李小庆

  86 福建农信“政务数据+”数字微贷方案研究 /伊瑞华


  92 金融进入移动时代,华为以云、AI和5G技术服务全球金融客户数字化转型



  94 人民银行部署落实《政府工作报告》

Special Topic

  10 Deeply ploughing the market of "agriculture,rural areas and farmers" to explore the road of differentiated transformation

  13 Be assertive in FinTech innovation and going on the road of digital transformation bravely,leading the high quality development of rural and

  commercial bank by surging power

  16 Focus on the advantages of geo-financial service scene and leverage financial technology to empower differentiated development

  20 Exploration and practice on the development and transformation of Rural Credit Cooperatives of Fujian

  24 Reconstructing the FinTech system and practicing the differentiated science and technology transformation road

  28 The way of exploring the internet finance based on the underlying platform and years of accumulation

  32 Deeply ploughing the demand of regional customers’ financial services and promoting "self empowerment" in the digital era


  35 Thinking of the digital transformation of remote banks in the Post-epidemic Era

  40 The transformation of non-functional test in the construction of agile bank

FinTech Innovation

  45 Development and practice of financial consultant mobile application

  51 Financial technology promotes banking business innovation, "quick approval and quick loan" helps small enterprises raise funds efficiently

Smart Banking Outlet

  54 On the challenge and thinking of the construction of commercial bank's smart outlets

Development and Testing

  57 Research on distributed service bus of bank based on service grid technology

IT Operation and Maintenance

  61 Exploration and practice of intelligent operation and maintenance of data center

Information Security

  66 Application of SOAR technology in banking industry

Technology Management

  70 A journey of a thousand miles begins with innovation——The way of global promotion of ICBC Global Markets Operation system

  73 Research and practice on the security situation awareness system of commercial banks

  78 Exploration and practice of improving the test ability of China Everbright Bank

Development Forum

  82 Research and practice of financial smart scene construction

  86 Research on the "government data +" digital micro loan scheme of Rural Credit Cooperatives of Fujian

Industry Observation

  92 Finance enters the mobile era, Huawei serves the digital transformation of global financial customers with cloud, AI and 5G technologies

  ——Huawei holds the Global Financial Summit 2020 online


  94 The PBC plans to implement the"Government Work Report", etc.


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深耕区域性客户金融服务需求 推动数字化..
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