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  12 移动金融重构商业银行发展格局/鲁小涛 万志诚

  15 整合移动商业生态圈,构建“移动·金融”圈/陈必钧

  17 打造便捷、安全、交互、趣味的移动金融服务


  20 大力发展移动金融 构筑金融服务新优势


  24 持续领跑金融创新潮流 打造“移动金融领先银行”/上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司电子银行部

  27 抢滩社会化营销,布局移动金融 /李庆莉


  30 商业银行层次化、一体化的多应用平台建设管理体系研究 /陈翀

  38 严控升级变更风险,提升系统安全运行水平/黄挺 邓冰冰


  44 直销银行的发展及运营管理探析/张保军 张韬

  49 直销银行差异化发展策略探讨/张景雨

  53 微信平台在银行个人理财产品销售中的应用探讨/江元

  58 商业银行发展移动金融的思考/李小庆


  61 大数据支撑技术探讨/陈清 等


  68 大型数据中心IT基础设施3D可视化管理探讨与实践/陈庆

  71 银行数据中心配电运维可视化管理研究/夏建强 沙鹏


  74 银行承兑汇票业务运营风险特征及应对策略/熊建刚 汪志勇

  79 冗余结构网络的路由安全性问题研究/陶凯


  82 浅谈大数据时代银行信息的安全防护 /李永伍

  85 视频会议系统的应用研究/李伟


  87 NCR:各个击破,为ATM提供全方位安全保障/李庆莉

  88 华为举办2015企业业务ICT巡展,助力金融行业“全联接”

  89 浅谈Linux跨平台可行性/苏正荣

  90 高科技不断提高“融和”金融服务外包管理水平/赵文彪


  91 蓝光技术应用重获新生,助力银行离线数据存储与管理


  93 《中国支付清算发展报告(2015)》发布 等

CONTENTS. May  2015 • Vol.310

Special Topic

  12 Mobile finance reconstructing the development pattern of commercial banks

  15 Integration of mobile business ecosystem and create mobile the circle of “mobile financial ”

  17 Creating a convenient, safe, interactive, interesting mobile financial services

  20 Developing mobile banking vigorously and building advantages of financial services

  24 Continues to lead the trend of financial innovation and create "leading mobile finance bank"

  27 Seizing the social marketing, Lay outing the mobile internet banking


  30 Research on the management system of constructing the hierarchical and integrated multi application platform of commercial banks

  38 Strictly controlling the system upgrade and change risk, improving the operation level of system security

Business Innovation

  44 Analysis on the operation development and management of direct - banking

  49 Investigate the direct-banking differentiation development strategy

  53 Investigate the WeChat platform application in banking individual wealth management products sales

  58 Thoughts on the mobile financial development of commercial bank

Development and Testing

  61 Discussion on big data support technology

IT Running and Maintenance

  68 Research and practice of large data center infrastructure 3D visualization management

  71 Research of bank data center power distribution running and maintenance visual management

Information Security

  74 Bank acceptance bill business operation risk characteristics and coping strategy

  79 Study on the routing safety of redundant network structure

Technology Management

  82 Discussion on the safety protection of bank information in the big data era

  85 Research on the application of video conference system

IT Observation

  87 NCR: crush one by one, to provide a full range of security for ATM

  88 Huawei held 2015 enterprise business ICT tour and help the financial industry "fully connected"

  89 Discussion on the feasibility of Linux cross platform

  90 High technology constantly improves Ronghe financial service outsourcing management level

Industry Information

  91 The bank storage technology seminar in 2015 held successfully

  93 "Chinese payment clearing development report (2015)" issued, etc.

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